Founder’s Motivation

As the founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Initiative for Women and Youth Empowerment Inc., my passion was drawn to advocacy after seeing the many challenges my country is faced with as a result of the 14 years civil war that took away the lives of over two hundred thousand plus potential youth, women and girls, etc. Thus, many youth and women, especially those within rural areas have become victims of sexual abuse and limited access to basic needs. I have realized that due to the 14years civil unrest, most of the youth and women have become vulnerable to societal woes as they glance through the window of opportunity in search of education and basic health needs and opportunities that will enable them become productive citizens.

Today, in my country, and as a result of the painful civil war and how vulnerable young girls have become due to economic hardship in post war Liberia, it is estimated that on average 3 in 10 Liberian girls are pregnant before the age of 18. The rate of pregnancy among adolescent girls between age 15-19 in rural areas is almost double than in urban areas. (Source: Save The Children). Many girls have become vulnerable to teenage pregnancy and early parenting, illicit sex trade, drug addiction and abuse, sexual assault and harassment, including some other unwholesome acts.

Nevertheless, as a girl growing up, I experienced the pain and torture, setback and difficulties many of these girls are going through, thus, I believe my community and my country needs my intervention, hence my pursuit for change through advocacy, and programs that empower girls, women and youth remains unbending! My story inspires me, and I am touched and motivated by that little girl who’s with no education on how she can protect or prevent herself from early pregnancy. As founder of IWYE (formerly GFL), I believe a girl child is like a seed that needs to be watered and nurtured for growth, thus, it is up to us to strengthen and push government through dialogues that will bring a lasting solution to the many challenges affecting women, girls and youth within our communities and country. Join the IWYE Inc. team as we together create and power change in our world! Musu Weenor Davis.


To see young girls, women and youths acquire knowledge, skills and training they desired in becoming self-reliant and good leaders with dignity through responsible dialogues and advocacy.


To help girls, women and youth become productive in their communities through education, skill training and advocacy programs that enable them to achieve their desired goals in a positive way. Our mission is to also tie to reaching the high-to-reach environment where young girls, women and youth are not given the needed attention, thus, fostering a society where marginalized persons in rural and urban communities are empowered.


Our goal is to build a state-of-the-art IWYE Empowerment Center where young girls, women and youth are empowered, thus, and establish in each county an IWYE Inc. Hub Group that consistently engage local government authorities through responsible dialogues and programs that creates change.

Our Programs

Welfare Service
Women’s Rights
Awareness Program


Initiative for Women and Youth Empowerment Inc. (IWYE Inc.) aspire to help create a productive environment where 95% of youth, women and young girls between the ages of 10 to 45years within Liberia are formally and informally empowered through our programs, and are able to participate fully in nation building through advocacy, peace-building, sexual reproductive health care and sanitation campaigns, and serve as agents of change at the national and community level.